Our six decades of experience in drilling shafts allow us to help you plan a solution that’s appropriate for your application. During that time we have experienced virtually every strata and site condition imaginable.
We have drilled shafts from two to 20 feet in diameter, from two feet to 200 feet deep, in soil, clay, sand and rock. When weather or site conditions make the going tough, that’s when our customers appreciate the depth of our knowledge base, equipment, and people.
Drilling is in our name and in our company’s DNA. For certain projects, the contractor may want us to drill the holes and not supply or install the rebar and concrete. We’re happy to oblige. While more and more of our work is turnkey installation of drilled shafts, our success has been built on drilling-only services.
We serve our customers by giving them this option. Our goal is to provide the services you need, the way you need them. Our team’s professionalism and organization helps keep your job on track.
Unstable shaft walls caused by loose soil, gravel and wet sand often collapse before they can be filled. Worse still, they can shift while being poured, compromising the strength of the foundation.
Addressing this situation requires a delicate balancing act of maintaining proper hydrostatic head pressure while filling the drilled shaft with an appropriate slurry mixture. This procedure keeps the walls
intact while the shaft is drilled and the concrete poured.
Like everything we do, successful slurry drilling requires people equal to the task. Our professional engineering staff, with the necessary expertise in physics, chemistry and geology, has tailored slurry systems
for hundreds of projects. Drilling Service Company is the area’s most-experienced slurry drilling contractor.
You want an expertly drilled, appropriately reinforced shaft with accurately placed anchors. By relying on our expertise, you create a single point of responsibility, so you can focus on what goes on top of the shaft.
With our turnkey shaft construction services, the owner and general contractor are freed from the burden and risk of reinforcing and pouring the foundation shafts. Once the shaft is drilled and inspected, we install the reinforcing steel and place the concrete. When we’re done, you’ve got a clean site and a solid, ready-to-build foundation.